Sunday, April 25, 2010


In the same way you appear in my life, you vanish... yes vanish like a dream, just your absents remember your presence in a time. and I´m not mad, or sad, I just miss you... Hmm I have to get use to it??, funny think about it.
don't worry we will find a way..
I promise..



I used to know you when we were young
You were in all my dreams
We sat together in period one
Fridays at 8:15
Now I see face in the strangest places
Movies and magazines
I saw you talkin' to Christopher Walken
On my TV screen

BUt I will wait for you
As long as I need to
And if you ever get back to Hackensack
I'll be here for you

I used to work in a record store
Now I work for my dad
Scraping the paint off of hard wood floors

The hours are pretty bad
Sometimes I wonder where you are
Probably in L.A.
That seems to be where everbody else ends up these days

But I will wait for you
As long as I need to
And if you ever get back to Hackensack
I'll be here for you

And I will wait for you
As long as I need to
And if you ever get back to Hackensack
I'll be here for you
If you ever get back to Hackensack
I'll be here for you

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...Azul, amarillo, blanco, gris bah inclusive rosa!...

Si, a veces vemos nuestro mundo Azul, amarillo, blanco gris bah inclusive rosa, todo depende de como nos levantamos o como se va desarrollando nuestro día; no depende exclusivamente si esta nublando o si esta el sol resplandeciente, no, solo depende de nosotros, claro el clima a veces nos hace acompañamiento para mejor o peor...
Y es así como vemos nuestras vidas, (o yo veo la mía) con distintos matices, distintas tonalidades, y sucede que a veces cometemos errores al intentar colocar matices en las vidas ajenas… y si, si lo hacemos, envolvemos a las personas en un aire misterioso o deslumbrante y realmente no tenemos ni la mas mínima idea de como se ven ellos/as; en fin hoy no me interesa como vemos a los demás, hoy solo me interesa que tonalidades le colocare a mi vida...

Radiohead - Scatterbrain (As Dead as Leaves)

I'm walking out

In a force ten gale
Birds thrown around
Bullets for hail
The roof is pulling off
By its fingernails
Your voice is rapping
On my window sill
Yesterday's headlines
Blown by the wind
Yesterday's people
End up

Then any fool can
Easy pick a hole
('I only with I could fall in')
A moving target
In a firing range
Somewhere I'm not
Somwhere I'm not
Lighting fuse

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

**Lost & Found**

Te he encontrado y creo que me he enamorado, no espero nada de ti, no esperas nada de mí.

Solo esta nuestra compañía, solo algunas palabras para aliviar la agonía, un respiro, un deseo, se que cuento contigo para iniciar este camino lleno de baches, se que cuento con tus manos para abrazarme, se que cuento con tu risa para iluminarme, y a pesar de que cuento con todo eso no espero nada de ti...
No espero tus abrazos, no espero tu sonrisa, no espero tu compañía.
Solo al tener la vaga o tangible melodía de tu corazón, mi cuerpo mi alma y mi mente entran en armonía todo tiene sintonía…

Te he encontrado, me encontraste...


For You

If you're lost and feel alone,
Circumnavigate the globe,
All you ever have to hope
For too.

And the way you seem to flow
Circumnavigating home,
and I seem to lose control,
With you.

Everyone of us is hurt,
Everyone of us is scarred,
Everyone of us is scared.
Not you.
With your eyes closed,
Your head hangs,
Your eyes felt stone.

Everyone of us is scared,
Everyone of us is hurt,
Everyone of us has hope,
For you. (x9)

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I'll run away...
Yes again
I'll run away and disappear like the waves on the ocean
I'll vanish like the wind on the mountains
I'll melt like the wax on a candle

I'll go away and scape of my dreams
I'll run away and fall sleep
I'll just Wait..Wait..Wait..

Always Waiting
Always Running
Always Hiding
Always Crying

Then I ask myself:
Why you run?
Why you hide?
Why you scare?
Why you cry?

And I'll answer
..I'm just tired of have my heart broken...


"Something Rotten"

It seems we're here I
Miss you something rotten
The stinks are here
It's guaranteed all's forgotten
Down here
Down here it's clear that your uncut
Don't fear
Don't fear, keep all this forgotten
Face down
Face down
Face down, I miss you something rotten
Face down
Face down, this crown is broken rotten

Down here, down here, I know its not, it's all forgotten
Down here, down here, face down, I miss you something rotten
Down here, down here, it stinks, it stinks of something rotten
Don't fear, don't fear, keep all this forgotten
There's something rotten down here
There's something rotten down here
There's something rotten down here
There's something rotten down here...

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Saturday, April 10, 2010


Suerte... suerte de encontrar lo buscado pero que hacemos cuando llegamos? cuando vemos lo que pedimos? cuando nuestro sueño se vuelve realidad.. huimos... si que es tentadora la opción en fin solo querías llegar.. solo eso... nos quedamos... hmm si nos quedamos?? Que pasa?.. lo lograremos.. tendremos nuevos sueños.. nuevas ilusiones.. o nos veremos tentados a abandonar de nuevo...

Ximena Sariñana > Suerte

Do you hear me? Im talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky oh my, baby Im trying

Se que quiero cuando te vas
supe desde tiempo atras,
es que mi corazon no sabe
queres hasta volverte a ver

Suerte que despierto junto a ti,
Suerte que senti lo que senti
suerte que regresas para mi

Uhhhh Uhhhhh Uhhhhhh
Nadie tiene la razon
de que exista el amor
solo hay un tu y yo
la promesas de los dos
me esperaras, aqui estare
lo seeeeeeee

Suerte que despierto junto a ti,
Suerte que senti lo que senti
suerte que regresas para mi

Suerte que hay mas para conocer
Suerte que contigo crecere
Suerte que te tengo al volver

And so Im sailing through the sea
To an island where well meet
Youll hear the music, feell the air
I put a flower in your hair

Todo tiene final feliz
desde que te conoci
no hay mas que las ganas
de estar y volver a empezar

Suerte que despierto junto a ti,
Suerte que senti lo que senti
suerte que regresas para mi

Suerte que hay mas para conocer
Suerte que contigo crecere
Suerte que te tengo al volver

Uhhhhh Uhhhhhhh UHhhhhhh
UHhhhhhh UHhhhhhh UHhhhhhhhhh

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